Botanique du rêve

« L’imagination est un arbre. Elle a  les vertus intégrantes de l’arbre. Elle est racine et ramure. Elle vit entre terre et ciel. Elle vit dans la terre et dans le vent. L’arbre imaginé est insensiblement l’arbre cosmologique, l’arbre qui résume un univers. Qui fait un univers. »
“Imagination is a tree. It has the integral virtues of a tree. It is root and branch. It lives between earth and heaven  It lives in the earth and in the wind. The imagined tree is imperceptibly the cosmological tree, the tree that sums up a universe. It makes a universe. »  Gaston Bachelard

The tree here is a tree of dreams, a tree of remembrance and paths, sometimes an aerial tree, stellar tree, sometimes an earthly tree in the mists of memory; a tree of childhood, a tree of hope, a tree of wishes granted or missed; a tree of dreams misdirected or overturned; a clandestine tree on the edge of the impossible…

All of them grow in a fifth season, out of time and yet of time in its pure essence, picked up in the depths of event, of memory, of encounters, of the existing…

Its root earth; its branches air, its trunk sap fire, its all water; the tree is universe, life, home, paths, duration, seasons; it is place and time; it is law, it is faith, it is singular and plural; it is motionless and moving; constancy and mutability; straight and round; it is finitude and eternity; solitude and hospitality; it is gravity and grace;

It is I; It is you.

The Fifth Season started in correspondence with poetry and continues given a Botany of dreams, “Botanique du rêve”; the recreated imagination and the reinvented reality continue to grow…

Hesperides I, 100cm x 140cm; Hesperides II, 95cm x 145cm; Hesperides III; 95cm 145cm, Stary Night (Hesperides IV) 145cm x 145cm; Winternacht 100cm x 150cm; Rifugio d’ucceli notturni, 100cm x 100cm; Under the Green Wood Tree 120cm x 150cm; Goethe Dream, 200cm x 150cm